Report Profiles
A Report Profile exhibits an association of filtered event data. The filtered event data in the Report Profile comprises Active Directory user, computer, group objects, and their association with audit actions.
Report Profile Categories
Report Profile Categories in ADAudit Plus include:
- Account Logon
- Account Creation
- User Modification
- Computer Modification
- Group Modification
- Domain Policy Changes
Selecting Objects for Association:
Objects will include Users, Computers, Groups or the entire Domain.
Selecting Users for Association:
Account Logon / User Creation and User Modification Report Profile Categories, require a user to be associated.
To select one or multiple users
- Click the filter icon

- Provide a check against the users.
- Multiple Users can also be selected by Groups, or OU's using the link available in the Pop-Up.
- Users in the Entire Domain can also be selected by providing a Check against the Domain.
Selecting Computers for Association:
Computer Creation / Computer Modification Report Profile Categories will need a computer to be associated.
To select one or multiple computers:
- One or Multiple Computers can be selected from the Pop-Up on clicking the filter icon

- Provide a check against the Computers.
- Multiple Computers can also be selected by Groups, or OU's using the link available in the Pop-Up.
- Computers in the Entire Domain can also be selected by providing a Check against the Domain.
Selecting Groups for Association
Group Creation / Group Modification Report Profile Categories will need a group to be associated.
To select one or multiple Groups:
- One or Multiple Groups can be selected from the Pop-Up on clicking the filter icon

- Providing a check against the users.
- Multiple Groups can also be selected OU's using the link available in the Pop-Up.
- Groups in the Entire Domain can also be selected by providing a Check against the Domain.
Selecting a Domain for Association:
Domain Policy Changes Report Profile Categories need to facilitate a Domain to be associated. A domain can be directly selected from the drop down when a "Domain Policy change" Report Profile Category is selected.
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